When programming, keeping a solid ground and understanding how to manipulate data will save you a lot of time and effort. For this reason, h…
This article explores some of Python's essential functions—enumerate(), reversed(), zip(), map(), filter(), sorted(), and lambda—showing how…
In certain situations, Jinja templates can become overly complex and difficult to manage due to the presence of numerous deeply nested if st…
Introduction to Network Automation This chapter delves into the fundamentals of network automation with Nornir, a powerful Python-based fram…
Problem Statement The other day I had a situation where I had two Windows machines from work that I wanted to transfer some big files (Bigge…
Usually, as network engineers, we use Jinja2 to store configuration templates, so let us check the structures, thinking of a practical appro…
Documentation as Code Jinja2 templates are mainly used for configuration templates. You can also use Jinja2 to format raw or parsed data int…
Why JSON? JSON is very popular with Network engineers because many of the APIs and network devices already support it, it is easy to read an…
The tools we are going to use are: VENV and PYENV venv: Python 3.3 and subsequent versions include a built-in module called venv that enable…
This post is based on a real situation where we received a request to gather information about one of our customer sites and check for avail…